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Blackstone | Papulankutja

Blackstone | Papulankutja is located north of the Blackstone Ranges, half way between Mantamaru and Irrunytju.


Blackstone began in 1975 when the people whose ancient roots were in this locality were able to establish a community here with the new Commonwealth support for Land Rights and ‘homeland’ development.  Some of the founders of the community had spent several of the preceding years at the Ernabella Mission to the east and had come to speak the Pitjantjatjara dialect of that region.

Others had been living at Warburton Mission and spoke Á½ÐÔÉ«ÎçÒ¹. Both these dialects continue to be spoken at Blackstone today. There are no social divisions associated with speaking one or other of these dialects and the people do not use them as strong identity markers. Rather, the residents all see themselves as all ‘Blackstone people’ and sharers of the common Desert culture.


Papulankutja is situated within the Á½ÐÔÉ«ÎçÒ¹ku Shire Council in Western Australia, at a latitude of 25 degrees 59.16 minutes south and a longitude of 128 degrees 17.20 minutes east (GPS coordinates). The community operates on Central Standard Time.

Many of the members of the Pitjantjatjara community grew up at Ernabella Mission while the Á½ÐÔÉ«ÎçÒ¹ residents were part of the Warburton Mission.

As late as the 1960’s, Native Patrol Officers were bringing in people from this Blackstone region to the Warburton Mission. They were also reporting large numbers of people travelling from Ernabella Mission in SA through to the mining camp at Irrunytju and along the range country through Blackstone, Jameson and Warburton. The patrol officers were particularly concerned for the welfare of these travellers during the dry season when the waterholes were becoming depleted. They reported their concerns to the Native Welfare Department who provided funding to establish bores and windmills along this travelling route.

One of these bores was established in the vicinity of the Blackstone community. In the 1950’s, Southwestern Mining had their main headquarters and camp at Tollu, just south of the Blackstone Range. When the mining camp was abandoned, Yarnangu transported the remaining camp materials to the bore at Blackstone and thence began a new community. The community became incorporated in 1976 and a member of the Á½ÐÔÉ«ÎçÒ¹ Council in 1981.

Health Services are provided by Á½ÐÔÉ«ÎçÒ¹ Health Services and the Community Health Clinic is staffed by a nurse in residence. There are two Aboriginal health workers. Flying Doctor visits occur every two weeks for clinic work and also carry out emergency evacuations as necessary. A clinic vehicle used as necessary for ambulance work. A regular Community Dog Health Programme is carried out by visiting vet.

Community School Facilities
The Blackstone Campus of the Á½ÐÔÉ«ÎçÒ¹ Lands School has an ECE room, a Primary classroom and a High School room. Other facilities include a large T&E shed, library and a home economics room. The grounds are attractive with trees, grass and play equipment. The number of students enrolled is around forty ranging from Kindy to High School.

Community Recreational Facilities
The Blackstone Community has a range of recreational facilities including a pool complex with an indoor swimming pool with an exercise gym. Sporting facilities include a football oval which is grassed, irrigated and fitted with lights. Football plays a big role in the Blackstone community and the local team is part of the Á½ÐÔÉ«ÎçÒ¹ Lands Football Competition. A Community Hall offers facilities for roller skating, movies, pools tables and video games.

Law/Order And Justice
Weekly police patrol visits are made by vehicle from Laverton, 750 kilometres to the West. Community meetings and discussions deal with issues as they arise.

Hall/Community Centre
The community has a large community hall venue for movies, roller skating, video games and pool tables.

Community Library
School has a library facility for students.

Community Laundry
There is a community laundry.

Community Toilets/Ablutions
Public toilets are available in the hall, swimming pool complex and the Women’s Centre.

Community Kitchen
HACC programme provides Meals on Wheels and home care. Staffed by supervisor and two community women.

Community Store
The community has a large supermarket and employs a manager and local staff. Is supplied by NATS from Perth with re-supply delivery each fortnight. Operates fuel agency for diesel and Avgas sales.

Community Women’s Centre
The community has a centre for arts and crafts activities which also functions as a meeting place for women’s social gatherings.

Aged People’s Facilities
HACC programme supervisor and two assistants provide Meals on Wheels and home care to all community aged people.

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*2021 Census Data (ABS) 

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